Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today's Updates: Snack Station, Igloo Music, Catalogs, and More!

Hey guys! Chill here. How is everyone? I'm doing pretty good. Anyways, I've decided to talk about today's updates. Normally I don't do this but since Club Penguin released a lot of non-party related updates today, and they're all pretty big, I'll talk about 'em. Let's get started, shall we?

I'll start with the brand new Snack Station at the Pizza Parlor.

If you take your puffle to it, you'll be able to feed them a pizza for 5 coins. If you're a member, for 10 coins, you can get a deluxe pizza which sends your puffle's food meter to the maximum.

There's also the secret deluxe candy pizza. It's the exact same as a regular deluxe pizza.

 Next up, some new igloo music. This month, Club Penguin added 8 new and awesome tracks.

  • What Lurks In The Night - This is a brand new song we've never heard before. From the way it sounds, I have the feeling it's a brand new Penguin Band song. It sounds super epic so I'm excited to see what they do with it!
  • Party In My Iggy -  I'm sure you all know what this is. Club Penguin's latest song, Party In My Iggy.
  • Dare to Enter the Mansion? - This is an older song, it's the Gariwald's Mansion theme from last year. I've always liked this song - especially after the party ended.
  • Scary Ambience - This is a brand new... song, if you could call it that. It's not really a song, but you can hear werewolves, crows, and thunder in the background. That's about it.
  • Monster Masquerade - This song is a little bit older, but it's AWESOME. You could hear it in the Monster Room at the end of the Dark Chamber at the Halloween Party 2010 and 2011.
  • Seek and Hide - This is a really cool song that I'm surprised Club Penguin brought back. Now this was before I joined, so I'm not quite sure, but I believe this song played at the Halloween Party 2006.
  • Ghosts Just Wanna Dance - It's Ghosts Just Wanna Dance, but nothing like we've ever heard before. This time it's instrumental, and it sounds pretty awesome if you ask me.
  • Ocean Voyage - I have no clue why Club Penguin added this, but hey, it's here. This is a pretty cool song, but I have no idea when it played. Definitely in the earlier years of Club Penguin. It might sound familiar to you newer penguins, and that's because it was remixed for Rockhopper's Quest in February 2012 which now plays in the Ship Hold and Captain's Quarters.
Next up, we have the new Penguin Style. It's pretty cool, and considering how Penguin Style has been this year I'm glad they've gone back to more event-themed catalogs. Although one thing I still don't understand is those "rebellious teenager" outfits. :/

The new Igloo Furniture catalog is pretty cool too. Another thing I like is the new concepts, the party pack and the candy pumpkin thing.

There's also a brand new igloo, the Eerie Castle, which looks really cool. Unfortunately due to lack of coins I don't own it at the moment.

 Another update is that we can FINALLY use hand items while walking our puffles! I decided to be weird and demonstrate it by walking Flare alongside a puffle.

I think this was a great update day. Do you like the updates this week?

Chill is out, peace!

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