Saturday, April 13, 2013

Messing with Time

Hey guys! Chill here, once again, dishing out my endless words of what I think CP should, or will do. Today, I'll be talking about all the possibilities with the Time Trekker.
Yeah, you all remember it from the Prehistoric Party. Actually, the invention was actually first seen at the Halloween Party 2012, where you could see it in the binoculars of Gariwald's attic, implying that you were seeing yourself traveling backwards through time to the Prehistoric Age. But enough about that, I'm here to talk about the possibilities of using the Time Trekker some more.

For years, I've occasionally fantasized about CP having a Time Machine letting us go back to previous parties. What do you think? I think it would be cool if we could someday use the Time Trekker to travel back in time, and maybe experience parties we've missed. Technically, around the Halloween Party, Gary's scripts mentioned a "Future Dome" and going to the Holiday Party and (nonexistent) Submarine Party of 2007. Later, files for a "Future Fest" were found, including things such as a giveaway background for the gadget guy himself, and a player card for him.

Another possibility is going back to the Medieval days. At the Medieval Party 2012, Scorn the Dragon King got his revenge on the island after many years of being defeated. Maybe we'd be able to travel back to the true Medieval age this year. (if they have a Medieval Party at all)

So what do you think? Are my theories plausible? Unfortunately, this would probably cause unneeded appearances by Gary. He's already been at Prehistoric and Hollywood, and if he comes to Halloween that would be three appearances already. Add to that Medieval and Future Fest and he comes five times in 2013.

What would you guys like to see happen with the Time Trekker?

Waddle on!

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