Friday, April 12, 2013

Marvel Superhero Takeover - My Speculations and Hopes

Hey guys! Chill here. Today I'll be talking about the Marvel Superhero Takeover beginning on April 25th. Most of you probably remember back in June of last year, there was another Marvel Superhero Takeover, being the first partnership party (sometimes called advertising parties by disgruntled fans :P). Please note I don't know much about Marvel, so please excuse my lack of knowledge of the names of the characters.

So as you can see, Iron Fist, Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Incredible Hulk, and Nova are all back. Polo Field also confirmed that Loki would return. But what about the new characters? First of all, you probably know that Iron Man is getting an upgraded costume which resembles his Iron Man 3 look. Club Penguin gave a sneak peek of Sif on their Twitter, Polo Field confirmed that War Machine will be at the party, and from the numerous advertisements and login screens you can see that The Mandarin and She-Hulk will be at the party. A few days ago, CP also released a new logout screen showing 14 new costumes. You guys can figure out for yourselves who these are, because of my lack of Marvel knowledge, but from what I can see is that there's some weird Iron Man/Captain America mashup thing... I dunno.
So, that's what we know... Now, onto my speculations! CP did confirm that Aunt Arctic will be at the party. But what about other mascots? Gary, Rookie, and Herbert could make good mascots. It would also be a good time for the debut of Dot and/or Jet Pack Guy, so who knows? Maybe we'll get to meet them in-game for the first time. Also, you guys have probably seen the robots attacking alongside The Mandarin. I think that we can either customize these and transform into them, or they'll be a replacement for the Destructobot somehow. (Destructobot was fought by the heroes last year, built by the Ultimate Protobot) I'm also hoping that the power gloves from last year will get their powers back, as they did last year. We might even get some new ones too. Honestly, the power gloves were some of the best features at last year's party. Also, I have a feeling that there will be a meteor crash, as Gary mentioned experimenting with draining power from rocks, which might be foreshadowing another meteor.

Also... what's with the fists? When did penguins magically get fingers? It doesn't seem right.

So, what do YOU guys think will be at the Marvel Superhero Takeover? Comment below and tell me what you'd like to see!

Waddle on! (and go ask a hero or two where the fists came from)

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