Hey guys! Chill here. Don't worry, I haven't left you guys! Time for another review of #WaddleOn! In this post, I'll be reviewing August's episodes, which covers
episodes 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
#WaddleOn: Episode 4
In the first skit of August's first episode, a vampire and a werewolf are at School talking. The vampire asks what the werewolf wants to do today, and he says hunt vampires. The vampire leaves and comes back with a box on his head and they go. This sketch is just... dumb. Nothing more.
The second skit features a penguin throwing a coin in a well, and making a wish. He gets a bunch of furniture items. Then, the other penguin makes a wish, and all of the stuff the other penguin got was given to him. Uhh....... okay?
During the third skit, the pizza chef from the loading screens is seen tossing the pizza dough, and it hits the ceiling. The penguin stares at the screen and says "When will I ever learn?". This skit isn't very great either.
The fourth skit has two penguins near an "X" and the penguin with the shovel wants to dig for treasure. The other penguin says "Can't we take the stuff that's already here?" and the screen pans out to reveal a huge ring of gold and treasure chests around them. I don't see how this is really funny, but whatever.
In the last skit, a penguin is advertising a party at his igloo. A penguin goes, but ends up in a cave, and crying is heard, and he gets swarmed by pookies and screams. This was the ONLY good skit.
Conclusion: This episode was worse than the first episode! Like the first one, it had only one good skit, but this time even the unfunny skits were terrible.
#WaddleOn: Episode 5
Oh great. It's the stupid earthlings skit... again. A penguin shows up and announces he's hungry and asks what they like to eat, and then it gets awkward and the aliens don't really want to say. And then the penguin turns out to be an alien too and they all laugh. Personally I'm sick and tired of this idea - GET SOMETHING NEW!
The second skit has a penguin with two tour guides each giving him the same tour. The penguin wonders if he needs this many tour guides and they respond by making even more appear around him, all giving the same tour. This one is pretty funny though.
The next skit features a penguin saying that his puffle eats too much and that he should walk him more. The screen pans out to show that the puffle looks like a puffle pillow, but is much wider and taller. The penguin next to him agrees. This was pretty good too.
Next up, we have a dragon class about being dragons. The teacher asks if there are any questions, and the knight asks how to battle dragons. Class is dismissed afterwards. This one was pretty good as well.
The final skit features the Blacksmith Force. A penguin's guitar is broken and the Blacksmith Force appears to fix it, and it works perfectly. I don't see what's funny about this...
Conclusion: This was a pretty good episode. Other than the earthlings and Blacksmith Force, this one had all good skits!
#WaddleOn: Episode 6
The first skit starts off with two teams of penguins in soccer jerseys, Santa hats, and beards. They keep saying "You've been good! Here's a present" and pass it to the next player. Meanwhile two reindeer spectators decide that Santa Soccer is boring. All I can say is - this skit is as boring as Santa Soccer.
The second skit is really cool. A penguin is sitting on a tube at the Ski Hill waiting for somebody to come by, not wanting to give up their spot. 9 hours later, nobody has came. I don't like this skit, but here's the cool part. After the 9 hours pass, it's nighttime in Club Penguin, complete with darkened objects, a full moon, and fully-animated stars. Will this become a feature in Club Penguin soon? Only time will tell...
The third skit shows a mad scientist creating a monster. The monster then creates a mad scientist, who in turn creates a monster, and so on. This one is boring.
In the next skit a fish is shown by a campfire, and three fish firemen come to put the fire out. The fish then reminds them that they're underwater so they don't need to. This one is just weird.
The last skit shows a penguin going to meet his new neighbor, but when he walks inside, he and his neighbor are both in 3D (hinting the upcoming My Penguin update). The neighbor (which is a water ninja) offers him a snack, and then disappears to get it. Meanwhile the penguin visitor notices that something is different. This skit was boring too.
Conclusion: This was boring - the only thing I liked about it was the nighttime scene - the skit wasn't even good!
#WaddleOn: Episode 7
The first skit starts off where the Episode 6 left off. The water ninja returns with a snack - pizza. The water ninja says it was nice to meet him, and the penguin acts like a mime, and then does the "one-man band". The water ninja leaves out of annoyance. This one wasn't really great.
The second skit features a werewolf and an apple in the Forest. The apple announces that he is a were-apple, and the werewolf asks how. The were-apple says he got bitten by an apple. This was just weird. No other words to describe it.
The third skit shows a penguin (presumably a songwriter) asking another penguin if he likes her latest work, which a penguin is playing on the violin. The penguin says he likes it and is breakdancing, and then the songwriter dances. I don't get this - is it supposed to be funny? Err...
The last skit has two penguins with balloons. One of the balloons pops, and the Blacksmith Force appears and repairs it. However, when the Blacksmith Force logo reappears and the force disappears, one of them is still left and runs off the screen. Meh.
Conclusion: It stunk. Nothing much else to say.
#WaddleOn: Episode 8
August's last episode shows a penguin who is trying to deliver a package, and runs through the Backstage, Epic Wave, Water Park, and Highway to reach a whale's mouth where the penguin is. He gives the penguin the package and another penguin pops out of the box to say "Enjoy the show!". Blah.
In the second skit, penguins are in a pink castle behind a Herbert Cutout and a Comfy Crab, pretending to be Herbert and Klutzy. "Herbert" says that this is his lair where he smells his feet, and then the real Herbert shows up and kicks them both out of his lair, and then smells his feet. I kinda liked this one because Herbert is weird and fun to make fun of.
The third skit is set up like a sitcom called Statue Roommates, with laugh track. The two roommates are Ninja Statues, and the doorbell rings. However neither of them can answer the door. That was... interesting? I didn't really like it.
In the fourth skit, a penguin is in a dark castle with an iron knight. The penguin announces that his furniture has arrived, but says it's not what they ordered. The knight goes over to see two mint chairs and an ice cream lamp. The knight asks if they have chocolate and the penguin says he'll ask. I didn't really like this one either.
Onto the final skit. Santa drops down somebody's chimney and asks if he can have another present. The penguin says to take whatever he likes, and Santa takes a teddy bear and leaves. A penguin mopping the floor questions that Santa gets his presents from the penguin, and the penguin says yes and asks who wants hot chocolate. Then a bunch of furniture in the igloo says "Me!". That was weird...
Conclusion: This one wasn't very good, it only had one good skit and the others were all weird.
So, here's the episodes in my opinion from best to worst: Episode 5, Episode 8, Episode 6, Episode 4/7
What will September's episodes hold? Only time will tell!
Chill is out, peace!