Monday, August 12, 2013

Star Wars Takeover 2013 Review

Hey guys! Chill here again. So, I just reviewed the Monsters University Takeover but now I'm gonna review the Star Wars Takeover! Here we go!
Features? Ehrm...
Well, first of all there was the lightsaber dueling mini-quest, but dueling is sort of boring and they don't even tell you how to play it! It really confuses me, I think it's entirely luck-based, but I'm not sure...
Every week, a new set of rooms is unlocked. Tatooine, Death Star, and Yavin 4. However, to me, all of these are very boring (the Death Star is somewhat cool). Tatooine is also hard to navigate for me the first time around.
With those rooms come new games. For Tatooine, there's a long and dull minigame where you shoot Stormtroopers. This game bores me beyond belief. It takes FOREVER just to beat ONE of three levels. No thanks, CP.
For the Death Star, you get a reskinned version of the block-moving game from Operation: Blackout and Beta Team. Woohoo.
And on Yavin 4, you get a fast-paced game where you fly an X-Wing to the Death Star to destroy it. This is the only game that's fun. Unfortunately, that is ruined by the extreme difficulty level. However, if you know how to play well, it becomes extremely easy. And neither of those make a good game. 
Also, Darth Herbert was a mascot at the party. However, he was only a mascot for the second week, and was absent the first and third week! What for? That gives people almost NO time to find him.
Score: 2/5
The decorations for the party are good, buuuut... besides the Dock, this party is COMPLETELY composed of party rooms, which makes me kind of angry. I was hoping we could have a cool outer space sky on the island (why not?) and maybe some more futuristic buildings. But NOOOPE.
Score: 2/5
The items are actually pretty nice. There's a bunch of cool Star Wars clothes, and an R2-D2 Puffle Hat. FINALLY a new Puffle Hat! I've been waiting a while for one of those.
I also like the lightsabers. I dunno why, but they're really cool to me.
Unfortunately the only things in the catalog dress you up as licensed characters, and some of them, like Jawa, have the weird extended beaks from the MU Takeover, which I do not like one bit.
Score: 4/5
I LOVED the music at this party. It was all spectacular. However, none of it was original Club Penguin music (except for some background sounds in the party rooms), but it was still good nonetheless.
Score: 5/5
Final Thoughts
Honestly, Club Penguin put WAY too much work into the advertisements and not enough work into the party itself. All the rooms are pretty much ported from Star Wars and basically nothing is original from Club Penguin. This party really underwhelmed me.
Final Score: 3/5