Monday, June 16, 2014

The Club Penguin Party Creator!

Hey guys! Chill here. My friend Sharkbate recently made this really cool "game" called the Club Penguin Party Creator, where you can create your OWN Club Penguin parties! Check it out at this link right now! (unfortunately, the Party Creator has been shut down, and the link no longer works)

The Party Creator is still in the beta stages, so if your favorite room or party isn't in it yet, don't worry, it'll probably end up in it sometime soon. And, eventually there will be a feature where you can decorate versions of the rooms from earlier years!

The Party Creator is fun to use and there's a lot of creative stuff you could do with it. Check out this Music Jam Cove my friend Mario Rk made!
Sharkbate is definitely a genius when it comes to these things. Check it out, and tell all your friends who play Club Penguin to check it out too!

Chill is out, peace!


  1. Sharkbate and Hat Pop are awesome!

  2. Replies
    1. Unfortunately, Sharkbate shut the Party Creator down, so the link doesn't work anymore.
