Thursday, May 1, 2014

Is Club Penguin Rewriting Its Own History?

Hey guys! Chill here. When I reviewed the Prehistoric Party, I said I had a bone to pick with that party. And here's what it is.

At the Prehistoric Party 2014, we saw several things that were inconsistent with modern day Club Penguin. It's important to remember while reading this post that all of our exploits at the Prehistoric Party from 2013 and 2014 affect Club Penguin for years to come, completely erasing major events from Club Penguin in 2005, 2006, and 2012, and changing penguin life during those times drastically.

First of all, this year Rocky's Pizza (obviously the prehistoric version of the Pizza Parlor) was added to Prehistoric Club Penguin. However, there was a Pizza Parlor Opening Party in 2006, and prior to this, pizza wasn't available in Club Penguin.
From Rocky's Pizza, we now know that the Pizza Parlor (and pizza itself) has existed for Club Penguin for MILLIONS of years! In fact, Gary says that while with Garugg the Ugg Ugg in the past, he invented the first ever pizza. Does this mean that, by time travel, Gary opened the Pizza Parlor millions of years early, therefore making pizza exist on CP for millions of years, and COMPLETELY ERASING an ENTIRE PARTY from Club Penguin history forever! Unless Rocky's Pizza was for whatever reason destroyed and then rebuilt as the Pizza Parlor in 2006... but I highly doubt that.
Next up - the Coffee Shop. The Coffee Shop has existed for a very long time without question - it never had an opening party, it was at both of the Prehistoric Parties as the Yum Yum, and it was even in Club Penguin's predecessor, Penguin Chat 3. However, at both parties, smoothies were found at the Coffee Shop, implied by fruit from the Smoothie Smash game seen on the shelves.
Now, prior to August 2012, smoothies were nowhere to be found at the Coffee Shop. Ketchup and mustard, sure, but no smoothies. While Gary may not be responsible for this one, this is still rewriting the events of the Adventure Party: Temple of Fruit, where Smoothie Smash and smoothies were introduced to the island and sold at the Coffee Shop.
And finally, puffles. Puffles weren't discovered in Club Penguin until November 2005. However, Garugg ends up discovering Dino Puffles millions of years prior, which causes Gary to return to the past. While this doesn't seem to be a case of time traveling itself messing with anything, this means that puffles were discovered millions of years ago.
However, this could be explained by the fact that we took all the Dino Puffles to the present with us, therefore fixing this particular time hole, but if that were so, how did modern puffles come to be? If their prehistoric ancestors were all removed and taken to 2014, then the 2005 puffles certainly couldn't of existed on Club Penguin Island.
Also, while it doesn't directly affect the timeline of Club Penguin, collecting dino eggs could've caused dinosaurs to go extinct by removing those eggs from their nests. If these prehistoric parties never happened, perhaps dinosaurs would still be with us on the island today.

HOWEVER: There are two very simple explanations to explain this. The first is that Club Penguin wants to keep these places recognizable. However, the Coffee Shop is still iconic without smoothies - it's the COFFEE Shop. We were fine without a prehistoric Pizza Parlor last year.

The second explanation is that Club Penguin wants to keep these parties simple for kids - two of the major time holes happened in the first year of Club Penguin's existance. It's possible that, now that employees like rsnail, Screenhog, Gizmo, and Billybob, who were there when these original events happened, have all left the company, that newer employees didn't do their research while creating this content.

Plus, there aren't that many players left from the early days to complain about this. Sure you can read about these events in the yearbooks, but what little kid would care, or even think about it for that matter?

Chill is out, peace!

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