Hey guys! Chill here. In part two of my three-part 2013 series, I'll be talking about the worst we've gotten. Let's get going!
Worst Party of the Year Star Wars Takeover The Star Wars Takeover was a piece of junk. There really was nothing good about it besides the music, some party rooms, and a few items. The games were irritating, boring, or go from insanely hard to insanely easy. The Dock was the only room that was decorated on the island. I was hoping for something epic, like an outer space sky and futuristic buildings. Did I mention the lightsaber game? THAT was annoying. There are no rules so it's basically just a guessing game. A lot of the items have very weird looking beaks. This party could've been a LOT better in many ways. If this comes back, I hope CP decorates the actual island, makes the games more fun and less repetitive and difficult, and get rid of the weird beaks on items, that is if they haven't added it to our actual avatars by then.
Worst Catalog of the Year January 2013 Penguin Style This catalog had tons of terrible items.While some of them were okay, none of them are becoming my personal favorite anytime soon. While it DID finally add Items for Everyone, there are tons of ugly items. Fuzzy Coat and Tights anyone? How about the Green Overshirt or The Too Cool? This catalog also made the brand new art style, which penguins were trying to get accustomed to, not look any better. This catalog also, unfortunately, started making Penguin Style catalogs where the items are not related to the party at all. The only thing that even hints the (at the time) upcoming Prehistoric Party were two backgrounds. On the bright side it did have Arctic White.
Worst Game of the Year Spy Drills Zzz... oh sorry, I fell asleep because of how boring this game was. While it does bring back the old Field-Ops games (and I really have nothing against those) it is incredibly boring and hard. If you want to earn medals (then again there haven't been new EPF items for a long time so you don't really need them) you have to complete a three-op challenge and if you mess up a single one, you're done for. And that stinks because the challenges are pretty hard already. While this isn't necessarily a BAD game, it's very boring and I don't think it's anyone's favorite, or will be anytime soon.
Worst Party Game of the Year Infiltrate the Death Star
Ha! You thought Spy Drills was boring? Wait until you hear about Infiltrate the Death Star, a party game at the Star Wars Takeover. Basically all that happens is you move the blocks to get the key to the "exit". That's all. It's very easy and very boring. PLUS, we've already seen this before. Club Penguin already used this game as "Ice Jam" on the Beta Team and "Unlock" during Operation: Blackout. All they did was change the graphics - oh, and add an R2-D2 Puffle which is apparently there to "help" you even though it does nothing. This is hands down Club Penguin's worst party game this year.
Worst Room Makeover of the Year Mine Shack The new Mine Shack is... ehhhh... well, kind of out of place. What used to be the exterior of a mine is now the entrance to a school. They also removed the interactive garden features which I found to be pretty fun while passing the time. It just seems weird how suddenly advanced it is, and now it has PAVEMENT. Why? I don't see cars on Club Penguin! The only time cars really belong are during parties that call for them, such as this year's Marvel Superhero Takeover, or by extension Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam. It just seems really out of place and I think Club Penguin could've made another room for the School's entrance instead of slapping it on the Mine Shack.
Worst Mascot Visit of the Year Rookie at the Halloween Party
Don't get me wrong, I like Rookie. He's one of my favorite characters. But I just can't see why in the world Club Penguin chose HIM of all people for the Halloween Party. In Gary's absence Rookie visited instead, and ordered way too much candy and some of it was cursed. So yeah. The thing is I don't see how Rookie fits in at Halloween ANYWHERE - a goofy guy who always messes up? At least Gary sort of fit, considering scientists ARE a part of Halloween. Mad scientists, anyway. They could've easily not had anyone at the Medieval Party and have Gary here instead. Or even have Rookie at the Medieval Party! It would make sense, he could botch some potions or something. Even the Penguin Band could've been a better choice with Ghosts Just Wanna Dance, and they didn't get ANY appearances this year besides the My Penguin launch, and Rookie already had one when the school opened in July.
Worst Mascot Change of the Year Rockhopper Unfortunately Rockhopper seems to be a little bit... kooky. Ever since September when he returned he's been acting very strange and seems more like a real pirate than a friendly visitor to the island. For example, Rockhopper talks about battles at sea and stealing treasure from monsters more often than he does finding treasure like he used to. Also, he seems to be somewhat of a liar now. There are TONS of origins for his new coat, all told by the captain himself - one tells of it being made by a sewfish, while another talks about him trading for it with a seagull. Maybe Rockhopper decides his previous story isn't adventurous enough and makes a different one. For all we know he could've found it in the back room of the Clothes Shop. Speaking of Rockhopper's sanity, who in their right mind would put CHRISTMAS LIGHTS IN THEIR BEARD?
Worst Video of the Year
Uhh, yeah...I have NO clue what Club Penguin was thinking when they made this video. And I have NO clue what Club Penguin was thinking when they said, "Hey, I have a great idea! Let's post that Puffle Chicken video to our YouTube channel! They'll love it!". So yeah. This video is just really weird and uh... yeah. I really have nothing else to say. It's just... yeah. Even though I really like the Puffle Chicken itself, there really is nothing good about this video. I think it was made as a joke to trick players when they tried to click on the Ultimate Mega Dragon potion for the Medieval Party potion video, which explains its weirdness.
Next I'll talk about the BEST Club Penguin had to offer in these categories. See you guys then!
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